Inpatient treatment centers can also offer 24/7 access to medical care when other health issues may be a concern due to the patient’s previous drug or alcohol abuse. Establish a healthy lifestyle – Drugs take a major toll on the body. As part of your life after addiction, it is important to eat a healthy diet, establish normal sleep patterns, and exercise regularly. Starting this early in the recovery process will encourage stronger immunity, higher energy levels, a healthy appearance and more self-confidence in all that you do. We are dedicated to transforming the despair of addiction into a purposeful life of confidence, self-respect and happiness. We want to give recovering addicts the tools to return to the outside world completely substance-free and successful.

Studies show people usually recover, but as with Rasco and Mable-Jones, the process happens slowly after multiple relapses. But in a pattern researchers say is common, Mable-Jones’ illness eventually eased. She found treatment that worked and has lived drug-free for more than 20 years. They may be something as simple as maintaining your sobriety by the end of the week or meeting with a friend to go see the movies next week. Furthermore, completing these goals will give you a sense of achievement and inspire you to keep going.

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Try to find sober friends who understand what you have been through, and help you start rebuilding your new life. If you go out with your friends, ask them to not drink around you or just avoid going to places where you may get access to drugs and alcohol. The right friends will support you and help you stay sober.

how to rebuild your life after drug addiction

Although now you’re clean and sober, are you in good health? Those who start exercising can feel a world of difference regarding improving overall brain health, boosting energy levels, feeling of self-confidence, and sense of well-being. There might be people in your life who encourages substance use and got you addicted.


The essential aspect of recovery is maintaining a positive state of mind.

  • Then, they’ll help you decide if you need to go back to school or connect with other professionals.
  • If you have confidence in yourself and know that you’re doing the right thing, treatment will come easier to you.
  • Today, then, we’ll cover 5 simple ways in which you can rebuild and reinvent yourself to become the best version of you.

Now that you’re in recovery, such people don’t belong in your life. Leave these relationships in the past, and focus on friends and family who fully support your recovery. After spending an amount of time in treatment, rebuilding life after addiction the transition process of rebuilding your life after addiction can be challenging and will require several steps. When you’re trying to rebuild a healthy life, you need all the support you can get.

Improved Organ Health

It can cause damage to the brain and other major organs of the body. Exercise can make a huge difference in improving your energy levels. You can take your life up to one notch by taking up a walk to the gym – swimming or exercising. Working with recovery coaches after addiction treatment is also a great way to get your addiction-affected body back in shape. Think of it as if you’ve been given a new life and a blank slate.

  • Guilt and shame are the shackles many people wear after ending a battle with something like an addiction.
  • Eminem was addicted to opioids and nearly died from an overdose.
  • Instead, most people find themselves starting over in many aspects of life.
  • There are many different ways to meet sober friends in Houston or in Austin, Texas, so it’s worth getting out there to try.
  • If you’re not ready to start attending social gatherings right away, that’s OK.
  • Of course, forgiving yourself is not always easy and may take you some time.

When you enter recovery, it may be to your benefit to try moving into a sober living environment. Other studies have shown that the better your life in recovery is, the less likely you are to relapse. Generally, life after addiction comes with a unique set of struggles that addicts should prepare for while in treatment.

Finding the Right Addiction Treatment Program

At first, it can be difficult to adjust to new ways of finding comfort that don’t involve substance abuse. However, this will become easier over time as you become exposed to lifestyles where self-care and enjoyment are prioritized in a healthy way. Support groups can pose a sense of community, belonging, and support to recovering drug addicts. Healing after long-term drug addiction can feel like entering a whole new world. Admitting you need help and joining a recovery program, but maintaining sobriety and starting a new life requires real strength and determination.

What are the 5 steps of recovery from drug addiction?

The five stages of addiction recovery are precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance.

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