what is an abacus

A benefit of these counting boards on tables, was that they could be moved without disturbing the calculation— the table could be picked up and carried indoors. Probably their beginning was in flat stones with stones that could be moved to count. Some historians consider that the origin of the abacus is Chinese because it is the place where this instrument is more remarkable. It is also believed that the Dameros used the abacus in sand and rocks to perform arithmetic calculations.

what is an abacus

Types of Abacuses

When the right hand is used on the abacus, the left side cells of the brain are activated. The left-brain activity is interpreting, and the right brain activity is visualizing. Therefore, both the left and right sides of the brain work commonly and help to whole-brain development. This is known to be the modification of the current Abacus to support the learners that have vision disabilities. The learners can manipulate the beads that would in effect help them in the in-depth understanding of the numbers. This Abacus can be used to calculate various numbers involving arithmetic processes like addition, subtraction, division or multiplication.

The History of Calculating Tools

Discover Abacus, and uncover the intricacies of this versatile tool as we delve into its definition, explore the different types, and trace its fascinating historical evolution. Join us in unlocking the secrets of the abacus, a tool that has stood the test of time in shaping our understanding of numbers. The Chinese Abacus, or the suanpan, is the most widely used and recognizable type of Abacus. It has two beads on the top row and five beads on the bottom row, and each dot on the top row represents five, while each bead on the bottom row represents one. The Japanese Abacus, or soroban, has a similar design but has one dot on the top row and four beads on the bottom. The Russian Abacus, or school, has ten beads on each row, with the beads on the top row representing five while the dots on the bottom row represent one.

When was the Abacus first Invented?

Around the world, abacuses have been used in pre-schools and elementary schools as an aid in teaching the numeral system and arithmetic. Various calculation techniques were devised for Suanpan enabling efficient calculations. The Roman system of ‘counter casting’ was used widely in medieval Europe, and persisted in limited use into the nineteenth century.[22] Wealthy abacists used decorative minted counters, called jetons. The subtracting process on the abacus is more similar to the adding process on the abacus.


A few decades later scientific calculators evolved into programmable calculators able to display graphs and images on bitmapped LCD screens. Eight plus 4 equals 12, so you’ll carry the one over to the tens place, making it 1. Abacus learning makes the calculation process easy and interesting. Having said that, calculations and numbers are part of our everyday lives. Not much is known of its early use, but rules on how to use it emerged in the thirteenth century. The oldest abacus survived to the present day, is the so-called Salamis abacus.

Discover Abacus: Understand its Definition, Types & History

For instance, to add two numbers, drag the appropriate number of beads on each row towards the centre and then count the number of dots. Similarly, to subtract two numbers, you move the proper number of beads away from each other and then measure the remaining beads. The Abacus may seem like a primitive tool compared to today’s modern math calculators and computers.

The earliest counting boards are forever lost because they were constructed of perishable materials like wood.

  • Merchants who used to trade goods needed a way to keep count of the goods they bought and sold.
  • It is difficult to imagine counting without numbers, but there was a time when written numbers did not exist.
  • It was a very basic invention which did not look like today’s abacus being used.
  • If you want to count higher numbers, you need to move left on the basis of how high numbers you want to count.
  • The beads are counted when they move towards the reckoning bar, and if any bead does not touch the reckoning bar, that column contains value zero.

Due to fundamental similarities in their core functions, computers are sometimes referred to as an abacus due to their striking resemblance. More recently, the use of the abacus has been shown to produce a number of changes in the grey matter and brain matter, helping to maintain integration and accelerate learning through training. It also helps us to solve arithmetic problems through calculation and memory, as long as the operations are done with simple numbers. Today, this ancient instrument is used as a type of didactic toy to teach mathematics in a simple way to children, as it functions as a multiplication table. This calculating tool uses a counting frame and a series of beads on an upper and lower set of rods. Beads are pushed to the center to mark numbers in different place values, making it easy to make complex calculations.


Starting either with the tens place or a decimal place, increasing from right to left. The standard abacus is used to perform basic mathematical application addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. It can also be used to calculate square-roots and cubic roots of numbers. We have to manipulate beads either using the index finger or the thumb of one hand. Affluent merchants could afford small wooden tables having raised borders that were filled with sand (usually coloured blue or green).

Medieval Europe

The Babylonians, Ancient Chinese, Japanese and Russians all used a calculating tool similar to a modern-day abacus. As the most ancient calculator known, the origin and inventor of the abacus is unknown. It’s been used for centuries in China and has a long history of use in Ancient Greece, Rome, Russia Japan, and Babylon. Abacus can be learnt at any age, but it is always preferred that the children are introduced to the Abacus at a very young age.

Abacus Life Inc Stock Price History

Despite the advances of digital technology, abacuses remain popular tools in education and mental math training despite its advanced use. Embark on a journey to discover the abacus, a timeless calculating tool that has played a pivotal role in the history of mathematics. Defined as a simple yet powerful tool for numerical calculations, the abacus comes in various types, each with its unique structure and applications. In addition, people who can’t use a calculator due to visual impairment may use an abacus. Blind children are often taught to use the abacus to learn math and perform calculations as a substitute for paper and pencil.

  • The beads in the Japanese Soroban are made from wood and bamboo rods to slide up and down.
  • After learning the basics of counting on the abacus, you can quickly perform arithmetic like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • With a Chinese abacus, the thumb and the index finger together with the middle finger are used to manipulate the beads.
  • The abacus is a square-shaped instrument made of wood which consists of ten different wires or strings placed in parallel.
  • This Abacus can be used to calculate various numbers involving arithmetic processes like addition, subtraction, division or multiplication.
  • Mesopotamia – The earliest archaeological evidence of a counting board device dates back to 2700–2300 BCE from the Sumerian civilization in ancient Mesopotamia.
  • The Nepōhualtzintzin was divided into two main parts separated by a bar or intermediate cord.
  • This counting frame allows individuals to track, add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers easily.
  • As mentioned earlier the thumb and the index fingers play a very prominent role in mastering the abacus.
  • In summary it can be concluded that abacus, not only is a great device for calculation but also a great tool for mind development and focus in children.
  • It also aids in brain development.During the Abacus Training, the students learn to visualize the Abacus instrument and move the beads mentally per the requirements of the sum.
  • Starting either with the tens place or a decimal place, increasing from right to left.
  • It can be used for performing calculations such as multiplication, addition, and division.
  • The standard abacus can be used to perform addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication.
  • It is still used to teach the basics of arithmetic to children.

The basic need that led to the development of this device was the need to compute larger calculations. It can be described as having a wooden or marble frame consisting of metal counters. The Chinese abacus had more than 7 rods and generally consisted of an odd number of rods. The hard wooden beads are arranged in two parts namely the upper and the lower part, there were two abacus market dark web beads in each rod in the upper part and five beads in each rod in the bottom parts. In the 1st century AD, there were some advancements in the Roman Abacus like the addition of eight long grooves consisting of up to five beads and eight shorter grooves having no or one bead each. The abacus was widely used in Ancient India as well and has been mentioned in older manuscripts.

The standard abacus can be used to perform addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. Through small balls that can slide along a series of wires or strings that are attached to a frame usually wood but can also be plastic. Any particular abacus design supports multiple methods to perform calculations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square and cube roots. Over time, counting devices continued to evolve due to technological advancements. For example, in 1622, the modern slide-rule was invented and it was widely used until 1972 when the Hewlett Packard HP-35 scientific calculator made the slide-rule obsolete. These days people rely on calculators on their computers and cell phones.

The Chinese abacus was known as the suanpan, it is believed to have been in use since at least the 2nd century BCE. It is believed that Mesopotamia used an abacus for going back during 2700 B.C. Additionally, it was also used in other civilizations such as Greek, Egyptian, Chinese, Persian, Roman, etc. The invention of a numeral system allowed numbers to be broken up into units, tens, hundreds, and so on.

Then, as even larger quantities (greater than ten fingers and toes could represent) were counted, various natural items like pebbles, sea shells and twigs were used to help keep count. Each bead represents a number, usually 1 or 5, and can be moved along the rods. Addition and subtraction can easily be performed by moving beads along the wires of the abacus. The origin of the Abacus has yet to be discovered, but it is believed to have originated in ancient China around 500 BCE. Abacus then spread throughout Asia, becoming one of the world’s most widely used mathematical tools.

  • The Abacus may seem like a primitive tool compared to today’s modern math calculators and computers.
  • As written calculations became easier, the abacus passed out of use in Europe.
  • Abacus is a man-made calculating device invented around 5000 years ago.
  • The oldest abacus survived to the present day, is the so-called Salamis abacus.
  • It is a hand-operated device used for calculation and is bound to have some human error.
  • Starting either with the tens place or a decimal place, increasing from right to left.

It has endured over time and is still in use in some countries. The word abacus is a word that exists in several languages and has different etymological origins that until now are still much discussed. Abaco comes from Latin and is formed by the terms “abacus” and their respective plural, “abaci“. We can mention that, for example, in Greek language the term was used as “ἄβαξ” or abax and there was also a second Greek word which, applied to the term, “ἄβακoς” or abakos, meant flat surface or table. There are many ways to say the word abacus, for example, in Chinese it is pronounced Suan Pan, in Japanese Soroban, in Korean Tschu Pan, in Hebrew Jeshboniá and in Russian Schoty, to mention some examples.

An abacus is a mechanical device that is used to calculate the arithmetic calculations quickly, also referred to as a counting frame. Its name was originated from the Latin word ‘abax’ or ‘bacon.’ Originally, it was invented thousands of years ago to perform arithmetic calculations, and today’s is widely used in brain development programs. It comprises a rectangular frame that holds vertically organized rods on which beads move up and down. The main purpose of an abacus is to increase the brainpower of the children.

In 1972 the Hewlett Packard HP-35 scientific calculator made the slide-rule obsolete. The abacus is still in use today by shopkeepers in Asia and «Chinatowns» in North America. The abacus is still taught in Asian schools, and a few schools in the West. Blind children are taught to use the abacus where their sighted counterparts would be taught to use paper and pencil to perform calculations. In 1958 Lee Kai-chen published a manual for his «new» abacus designed with 4 decks (it combines two abaci; the top abacus is a small 1/4 soroban and the bottom one is a 2/5 suan-pan). According to the author, multiplication and division are easier using this modified abacus and square roots and cubic roots of numbers can be calculated.

In the Middle Ages, the Abacus was further developed in Europe, and merchants and traders used it for bookkeeping and accounting. In the 17th century, the Abacus was introduced to Japan, where it was embraced and further refined, resulting in the development of a unique style of Abacus called the Soroban. Today, the Abacus is still used in many parts of the world, particularly in Asia, as a teaching and learning arithmetic tool.

This Abacus is still in use, however, it is overshadowed by the use of electronic calculators. The Abacus is constructed of various types of hardwoods and comes in various sizes. The frame consists of a series of vertical rods on which several wooden beads are allowed to slide freely. A horizontal beam is used to separate the frame into two sections i.e the upper deck and the lower deck. Each rod consists of beads, which we can move up and down, with the help of the index and the thumb finger. Fibonacci learned of the Arabic numbering system when he accompanied his father, a merchant, to various Arab ports in the Mediterranean Sea.

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