Straume 2024 torrent
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The team was very adamant in getting all of the "voices" be done by real animals, so they recorded real animals for the movie

Cat is a solitary animal, but as its home is devastated by a great flood, he finds refuge on a boat populated by various species, and will have to team up with them despite their differences..

To get the capybara sound, the sound engineer had to travel to a zoo and tickle capybaras

However, the real capybara sounds did not match the personality that the capybara character would have, so instead they used a baby camel for this one..

Show to the Hollywood how it's done!Such a beautiful story — no words, no explanation — so liberating!Liberating from "someone else's burden", as Nietzsche would sayLiberating from imposed narrationsLiberating from expectationsMind goes "Oh, it's a modern interpretation of Noah's Ark" — no it's bloody NOT!

Bravo everyone!

— "But what happened, why are they?" — it doesn't matter!"Is the end of the world shown?" — No, it's notIt's just an excerpt of some situation, some flood, somewhere, sometime — experienced through the eyes of certain creatures — and VERY beautifully depicted in this fantastic film

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