Entrepreneurs choose the initial pool of building blocks of ideas, resources, and processes in their new venture creations, determine how to increase or decrease variation, and devise how to make selection and elimination decisions (Crawford and Kreiser 2015; McKelvey 2004). Such design decisions can be guided by design principles to aid entrepreneurs in better designing new ventures, and these design principles can be borrowed from other design fields. Researchers can develop design principles through research synthesis (Denyer et al. 2008) and by codifying practitioners’ tacit knowledge (e.g., Romme and Endenburg 2006; Van Burg et al. 2008). We propose a different and novel approach, which seems promising to develop management scholarship from a design science perspective. We propose to develop design principles through “analogous transfer” from distant disciplines.

The lender will also be concerned with how well the project is insured against losses. The amount and type of risk that each party involved in a project is prepared to undertake must be considered. Risk appetite is a major consideration when determining whether a party is likely to pull out of a contract should there be a change in circumstances.

Relevant Studies

Nowadays with mass production transferring to mass customization, production is undergoing a paradigm shift (Pedersen et al., 2015, Wang et al., 2016). That manufacturers rapidly response to diverse customers’ demands and dynamic market changes has been the core competitive ability for enterprises (Xu, Chen, & Zheng, 2016). The result is often bad design decisions that carry hefty downstream costs when design issues arise during latter stages.

Focus was placed on the consistency of all the experts’ opinions on the issue to reduce error. In the fourth stage, “Prototype”, the ideation in the previous stage was combined with practice to form the preliminary design prototype. As for the sustainable design of traditional Chinese handicrafts, innovation is the best way to achieve sustainable development. New inspiration and the thoughts and ideas to be expressed can be obtained from culture, material, craft, experience, local elements, and interactive experience through innovation. For example, in the traditional handicraft design experiment of this study, different teams produced and designed their products based on the same theme, in which the inspiration was derived from Chinese poetry, proverbs, folklore, and stories.

Distillery wastewater treatment by the membrane-based nanofiltration and reverse osmosis processes

The call for bids and tenders package must allow the bidder to understand the scope of the project and submit the bid. In the case of governmental procurement, bidding could be governed by detailed procurement codes and policies that would require strict adherence and raise the risk https://www.globalcloudteam.com/ of non-responsiveness. Contractors must then provide project-specific bids in accordance with the client’s specifications and with the lowest responsible economical offer. Principally, an insurer’s interest is to make a profit by collecting premiums and avoiding indemnifications.

  • Later, the inclusion of the dielectric effect led to the most widely accepted Donnan-Steric Pore Model with Dielectric Exclusion (DSPM-DE) .
  • The project contract should contain a provision regarding who bears the costs in the case of significant changes in the taxes applicable to the project during the project duration.
  • In this review, a keyword analysis was conducted to understand the structural changes in the body of research and identify current applications of 3DP in construction.
  • Moreover, technological development, research, and invention should be supported for industrial diversification and a higher additional value for commodities .
  • Communication coverage should be widened to maximize the supply of the Internet services .

User evaluation is mixed with irrational factors, such as subjective preferences, cultural emotions, value orientations and creative thinking. Due to the fuzziness of decision-making problem, the limitation of users’ cognition and their knowledge, the information required for decision making is incomplete. Therefore users have great difficulties in making objective judgments and completely rational decisions under uncertain conditions. Second, the design principles we identified are high-level design principles, just like the initial set of five effectual principles of Sarasvathy . Therefore, it would be worthwhile to develop additional design principles by analogous transfer from AI around the processes of crossover and mutation, along the lines of the nine forms of transformation as identified by Dew et al. . The differentiation of better means to start with can offer theoretical insights that may explain the lack of consistent results on the relative effects of a means-driven orientation (e.g., Brettel et al. 2012; Read et al. 2009).

Mathematical modeling of nanofiltration membranes with mixed electrolyte solutions

Mechanisms for preventing corruption should be implemented for the entire life of the project, taking into account local particularities and the internal regulations of the companies involved in the project. Considering the geographical location of the site, a list of possible physical obstacles to be verified and how the site will be accessed for the entire duration of the project must be defined. If the risk management plan is not documented, it is less likely that the plan will be implemented as conceived. For example, the party who bears a risk in the first instance may become insolvent. It is possible that both university and science park have endured for so long because they have ensured that they have the capacity to change — a quality that scientists who wish to remain relevant in an ever-shifting job market would do well to cultivate.

The prospect of design and model establishment

Moreover, technological development, research, and invention should be supported for industrial diversification and a higher additional value for commodities . Communication coverage should be widened to maximize the supply of the Internet services . Greater efforts should be made to further safeguard what are the 4 dora metrics for devops world cultural and natural heritage sites. Sustainable consumption and production models should be employed to enhance the role of local cultures and products in green economy industries like sustainable tourism and to achieve sustainable management and efficient use of resources by 2030.

Price forecasting using an ACO-based support vector regression ensemble in cloud manufacturing

According to the PTC survey, 71% of respondents said that they explore and evaluate between two and five concept designs before moving to the detailed design phase of development. While there is no magic number of concept models that should be evaluated prior to moving proposed designs forward, designers should have the tools and the time to evaluate as many designs as possible. Yet, in both genetic algorithms and effectuation, designers cannot predict how good the building blocks will perform because of the uncertainty about both the environment and the fit with the building blocks. There is no deterministic landscape against which an effectual designer can pitch the fitness of the building blocks.

The prospect of design and model establishment

Design thinking is a widely applied scientific training method designed to improve creativity . In 1969, the Nobel Prize winner Herbert Simon wrote a groundbreaking article entitled “The Sciences of the Artificial” . In the early 20th century, the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University developed it into a scientific methodology, and it soon prevailed across the globe.

Common ground enabling analogous transfer from genetic algorithms

Firstly, prospect theory is used to describe decision-makers’ risk attitudes toward monetary gains and losses as well as time gains and losses. Secondly, we construct a multi-objective optimization model and introduce preference coefficients to transform it into a single objective optimization model, which is based on the maximum comprehensive prospect value. Further, the existence and uniqueness of thresholds are proven, and the decision rules are given. Finally, an illustrative example and some comparative analyses are presented, which validate the rationality and superiority of our improved model.

The experimental application of 3DP in the construction industry began in the late 1990s when Pegna proposed using cement-based materials in conjunction with 3DP . Construction applications include novel forms , topology optimization , customized parts , and in-situ repair . There have also been different applications in different countries, such as the WinSun offices in Dubai and the Canal House in Amsterdam, Netherlands . To enable researchers to systematically understand the research and application of 3DP in construction, several review articles are summarized in Table 1. According to the research framework and design procedure, the previous section discussed the sustainable value of the internal design factors of traditional handicrafts in design thinking. Norman believed that design is exploratory and imperfect and involves how to make some influence and obtain some inspiration quickly.

Review of the dielectric properties of nanofiltration membranes and verification of the single oriented layer approximation

With the improving capability for acquiring real-time data in the field of intelligent manufacturing, the data-driven machine learning approach has been an effective means for equipment fault diagnosis. In this paper, a helical fault diagnosis model based on data-driven incremental mergence is proposed to tackle this problem. Each helical cycle includes four procedures to handle incremental data blocks for imbalanced data processing, feature extraction and classification, effective example selection, and dynamic evaluation of features and examples. The effective features and examples are then transmitted to the next helical cycle to merge for preserving the fault information. Most countries intending to replace traditional energy sources with renewable energy sources have started to make major investments in this field.

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